The purpose of this study was to evaluate the technical success, effectiveness, and safety of transarterial embolization for acute bleeding management with a shear-thinning conformable embolic. This single-center retrospective study evaluated outcomes after embolization using Obsidio conformable embolic (OCE). Technical success was defined as performing transarterial embolization within the target vessel to complete stasis of antegrade flow. Treatment effectiveness was defined as cessation of bleeding for patients. Eleven patients underwent 11 embolization procedures. A total of 16 arteries were embolized. Indications for embolization were spontaneous tumor bleeding (6/11), hematuria (2/11), active duodenal bleeding (1/11), portal hypertensive bleeding (1/11), and rectus sheath hematoma (1/11). The technical success rate was 100%. The median vessel diameter was 2 mm (range, 1-3 mm). There were no adverse events or off-target embolization. OCE demonstrated technical success and treatment effectiveness with a short-term safety profile for transarterial embolization interventions.