High-strain-induced microstructural refinement and dislocations are critical for the strengthening of metallic materials; however, this is difficult to achieve in ceramic materials due to their unique bonding characteristics and electronic structure. Here, a series of β-Mo2C bulk ceramics are consolidated by the high pressure and high temperature (HPHT) strategy. Our results demonstrate that high strain-induced grain plastic deformation at high pressure produces a lamellar sub-grain structure with high-density dislocations, and that the dislocations at the lath-like grain boundaries eventually evolve into low-angle grain boundaries. The mechanical properties, superconducting behavior, and onset of oxidation of the specimens are investigated. It is found that superconductivity and hardness arise from the high density of states at the Fermi level, while the high intrinsic hardness is attributed to the strong hybridization between Mo-4d orbitals and C-2p orbitals. Furthermore, strain-induced defect structure (dislocations and low-angle grain boundaries) mainly mainly enhances the intrinsic structure of β-Mo2C.