Abstract Background Kilo‐voltage cone‐beam computed tomography (CBCT) is a prevalent modality used for adaptive radiotherapy (ART) due to its compatibility with linear accelerators and ability to provide online imaging. However, the widely‐used Feldkamp‐Davis‐Kress (FDK) reconstruction algorithm has several limitations, including potential streak aliasing artifacts and elevated noise levels. Iterative reconstruction (IR) techniques, such as total variation (TV) minimization, dictionary‐based methods, and prior information‐based methods, have emerged as viable solutions to address these limitations and improve the quality and applicability of CBCT in ART. Purpose One of the primary challenges in IR‐based techniques is finding the right balance between minimizing image noise and preserving image resolution. To overcome this challenge, we have developed a new reconstruction technique called high‐resolution CBCT (HRCBCT) that specifically focuses on improving image resolution while reducing noise levels. Methods The HRCBCT reconstruction technique builds upon the conventional IR approach, incorporating three components: the data fidelity term, the resolution preservation term, and the regularization term. The data fidelity term ensures alignment between reconstructed values and measured projection data, while the resolution preservation term exploits the high resolution of the initial Feldkamp‐Davis‐Kress (FDK) algorithm. The regularization term mitigates noise during the IR process. To enhance convergence and resolution at each iterative stage, we applied Iterative Filtered Backprojection (IFBP) to the data fidelity minimization process. Results We evaluated the performance of the proposed HRCBCT algorithm using data from two physical phantoms and one head and neck patient. The HRCBCT algorithm outperformed all four different algorithms; FDK, Iterative Filtered Back Projection (IFBP), Compressed Sensing based Iterative Reconstruction (CSIR), and Prior Image Constrained Compressed Sensing (PICCS) methods in terms of resolution and noise reduction for all data sets. Line profiles across three line pairs of resolution revealed that the HRCBCT algorithm delivered the highest distinguishable line pairs compared to the other algorithms. Similarly, the Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) measurements, obtained from the tungsten wire insert on the CatPhan 600 physical phantom, showed a significant improvement with HRCBCT over traditional algorithms. Conclusion The proposed HRCBCT algorithm offers a promising solution for enhancing CBCT image quality in adaptive radiotherapy settings. By addressing the challenges inherent in traditional IR methods, the algorithm delivers high‐definition CBCT images with improved resolution and reduced noise throughout each iterative step. Implementing the HR CBCT algorithm could significantly impact the accuracy of treatment planning during online adaptive therapy.