The synergetic evolution of multiple chiral structures stemmed from same building units is ubiquitous in nature and vital to living systems, but achieving it in artificial systems remains a challenge. Herein, we report a methanol-water mediated dual assembly pathway strategy for simultaneous construction of P and M helices in one-component chiral system. The conformation of l-phenylaniline derivates (LBpyF) is controlled to folded state in CH3OH due to the hydrogen bonds as well as C-H···π interaction between LBpyF and CH3OH. Addition of H2O into above CH3OH solution of LBpyF results in the simultaneous occurrence of two self-assembly pathways and double networks of P and M helices were therefore formed, due to the synchronous process of 1) self-assembly of folded LBpyF into M-helices and 2) H2O induced unfolding of folded LBpyF molecules followed by self-assembly of them into P-helices. The bipyridine core, phenyl ring, amide unit all adapted into different stacking modes in M-helices and P-helices, and energy analysis indicated that the minority M-helices were more thermodynamically favored products. This study provides an approach to explore synergetic evolution of multiple chiral structures by manipulating the multiple assembly pathway.