With the development of augmented reality (AR) technology, AR navigation tools have gradually received increasing attention. Few previous studies have comprehensively discussed the advantages and disadvantages of AR and 2D maps from a spatial cognition perspective. Through three experiments, this article investigated the effects of different AR navigation display methods on wayfinding performance and spatial knowledge acquisition. First, we compared participants' performances in using AR and 2D map navigation aids for wayfinding and spatial knowledge tasks. Second, we developed a combined map and compared the usability of this map with that of an AR map. Then, we applied the focus + context technique to improve the combined map's minimap and verified the improved map's effectiveness by laboratory simulation. The AR map is superior to the 2D map in acquiring spatial knowledge. AR displays are crucial for helping individuals acquire landmark and route knowledge. The improved map expands the range of exocentric spatial information and highlights the landmark locations to provide comprehensive information about the environment; thus, the improved map can further assist in acquiring spatial knowledge.