Disinfection of caries affected dentin using rose bengal, titanium sapphire laser; ammonium hexa-fluorosilicate, and ozonated water on resin dentin bond strength
The present study intended to evaluate the shear bond strength (SBS) of resin cement bonded to caries affected dentin (CAD) after disinfection with rose Bengal (RB), Ti-Sapphire Laser, Ammonium Hexafluorosilicate (NH4)2[SiF6], and ozonated water (O3). A total of 100 extracted human mandibular molars were acquired using caries severity code, 6 of the ICDAS criteria. To achieve homogeneity and prevent size-biased distributions, the average cavity preparation of all specimens had a depth of 2 mm and a breadth of 3 mm. Specimens were divided into five groups (n = 20) at random according to type of disinfection. Group 1: control group, Group 2: RB, Group 3: O3, Group 4: Ti-sapphire laser, and Group 5: (NH4)2[SiF6]. All specimens were etch and rinsed, bonding agent was applied and restored with resin cement. Estimation of SBS was performed by placing samples (10/group) in universal testing machine. Stereomicroscope under 40 × magnification was employed for failure mode analysis (FMA). Statistical analysis was executed using the ANOVA and the Tukey multiple test (p<0.05). The highest SBS was demonstrated in the control group when CAD bonded to resin cement without disinfection (18.22±1.14 MPa). Likewise, the lowest SBS values were unveiled by CAD disinfection with O3 (12.44±1.36 MPa). Similarly, CAD when disinfected with RB (16.25±1.01 MPa) and Ti-sapphire laser (16.25±1.22 MPa) bonded to resin cement exhibited comparable bond results (p>0.05). Caries affected dentin when treated with etch and rinse technique without the use of disinfectant displayed the highest SBS. However, it was seen that utilization of various disinfectants altered the adhesion capacity or bonding efficacy of caries-affected dentin.