Miguel M. Gonçalves,António P. Ribeiro,Inês Mendes,Marlene Matos,Anita Santos
Abstract Abstract This article presents a method for the assessment of innovative moments, which are novelties that emerge in contrast to a client's problematic self-narrative as expressed in therapy, the innovative moments coding system (IMCS). The authors discuss the theoretical background of the IMCS as well as its coding procedures. Results from several studies suggest that the IMCS is a reliable and valid coding system that can be applied to several modalities of psychotherapy. Finally, future research implications are discussed. RÉSUMÉ L'article présente une méthode pour l'évaluation des moments innovants, définis comme des nouveautés qui émergent en contraste de la narration de soi problématique du client exprimée en thérapie: le système de codage des moments innovants (IMCS). Les auteurs discutent les fondements théoriques de l'IMCS ainsi que la procédure de codage. Les résultats de plusieurs études suggèrent que l'IMCS est un système fidèle et valide qui peut être appliqué à différentes modalités psychothérapeutiques. Finalement, les implications pour des recherches futures sont discutées. Abstract Questo articolo presenta un metodo di codifica per la valutazione dei "momenti innovativi" (IMCS) che sono aspetti di cambiamento che emergono in contrasto alle narrazioni problematiche del cliente nel corso della terapia. Gli autori presentano il background teorico del metodo IMCS e le procedure di codifica. I risultati di differenti studi suggeriscono come l'IMCS rappresenti un sistema di codifica affidabile che possa essere applicato a varie forme di psicoterapia. Saranno discusse infine anche future applicazioni di ricerca. Resumen Este artículo presenta un método de evaluación de los momentos de innovación, definidos como novedades que emergen en contrasta con la auto-narrativa problemática del paciente: el Sistema de Codificación de Momentos de Innovación. Los autores discuten los fundamentos teóricos del SCMI así como los procedimientos de codificación. Los resultados de varios estudios sugieren que el SCMI es un sistema válido y confiable que puede ser aplicado a diferentes modalidades psicoterapéuticas. Finalmente, se analizan los potenciales desarrollos futuros respecto a la investigación en este campo. Abstract Keywords: innovative momentsprocess researchqualitative research methods Acknowledgements This article is based on a series of previously published empirical articles and theoretical chapters. Parts of it were presented at the Society for Psychotherapy Research meeting in Barcelona in June, 2008, the Psychotherapy Research meeting in Santiago de Chile in June, 2009, and the European Psychotherapy Research meeting in Bolzano in October, 2009. This article was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), by Grant PTDC/PSI/72846/2006 (Narrative Processes in Psychotherapy) and PhD Grants SFRH/BD/46189/2008 and SFRH/BD/29804/2006. We are very grateful to Claudio Martinez, Carla Machado, João Batista, and Marlene Sousa for their comments on the first draft of this paper. We are also grateful to Lynne Angus, Bill Stiles, Clara Hill, Jaan Valsiner, and Bob Neimeyer for their contributions to the theoretical and methodological advances of IMCS. Notes 1. In narrative therapy (White, 2007 White, M. 2007. Maps of narrative practice, New York: W. W. Norton. [Google Scholar]; White & Epston, 1990 White, M. and Epston, D. 1990 . Narrative means to therapeutic ends, New York, NY: Norton. [Google Scholar]) these occurrences are labeled as unique outcomes. See Gonçalves et al. (2009b Gonçalves, M.M., Matos, M. and Santos, A. 2009b. Narrative therapy and the nature of "innovative moments" in the construction of change. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 22: 1–23. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] , [Google Scholar]) on why we prefer the term innovative moment.