Behavior of Semirigid Frames Introduction Frame Classification. Influence of Joint Behavior on Unbraced Frame Response Influence of Joint Behavior on Brace Frame Response Classification of Joints Modeling of Joint Behavior Introduction Methods for Modeling Rotational Behavior Mathematical Representation of Moment-Rotation Curves Methods for Predicting Moment-Rotation Curves Welded Connections Introduction Column Web in Shear Column Web in Compression Column Web in Tension Considerations on Local Stress Interaction Column Flange in Bending Beam Flange and Web in Compression Comparison with Experimental Data Influence of Strain-Hardening Worked Examples Basic Component of Bolted Connections Introduction Axial Strength Bolted T-Stubs Axial Stiffness of Bolted T-Stubs Bolted End-Plate Connections Introduction Prediction of Flexural Resistance Prediction of Initial Rotational Stiffness Moment Rotation Curve Worked Examples Bolted Connections with Angles Introduction Prediction of Flexural Resistance Operative Steps Comparison with Experimental Data Simplified Procedure Prediction of Rotational Stiffness Worked Example JMRC: A Computer Program for Evaluating Joint Moment Rotation Curve Analyzed Joint Typologies Description of Input Data Examples of Input Data Files Adopted Formulations Design of Extended End Plate Connections for Braced Frames Introduction Behavior and Design of End Plate Connections Design Procedure for Braced Frames Applications Ductility of Connections Introduction Plastic Rotation Supply of the Beam-Joint System Welded Connections Bolted Connections Parameters Affecting Ductility Ultimate Plastic Rotation of Connections with Angles Ultimate Plastic Rotation of End-Plate Connections Cyclic Behavior of Beam-to-Column Joints Introduction Experimental Evidence Low Cycle Fatigue Modeling of Cyclic Response Seismic Design of Semirigid Frames Introduction Connection and Panel Zone Design Second-Order Plastic Design of Moment Resisting Frames The Influence of Beam-to-Column Joints Parametric Analysis Dynamic Inelastic Analyses