Neutron diffraction experiments are informative for determining the locations of hydrogen atoms in protein molecules; however, much larger crystals are needed than those required for X-ray diffraction. Thus, additional techniques are required to grow larger crystals. Here, a unique crystallization device and strategy for growing large protein crystals are introduced. The device uses two micropumps to control crystal growth by altering the precipitant concentration and regulating the pinpoint injection of dry air flow to the crystallization cell. Furthermore, the crystal growth can be observed in real time. Preliminary microbatch crystallization experiments at various concentration ranges of polyethylene glycol (PEG) 4000 and sodium chloride were first performed to elucidate optimized crystallization conditions. Based on these results, a device to precisely control the sodium chloride and PEG concentrations and the supply of dry air to the crystallization cell was used, and 1.8 mm lysozyme and 1.5 mm alpha-amylase crystals with good reproducibility were obtained. X-ray data sets of both crystals were collected at room temperature at BL2S1 of the Aichi Synchrotron Radiation Center and confirmed that these crystals were of high quality. Therefore, this crystallization device and strategy were effective for growing large, high-quality protein crystals.