(Cell Reports 32, 108158-1–108158-16.e1–e6; September 15, 2020) In the originally published version of this paper, the western blot in Figure 6G lacked the last two lanes. The figure has been corrected, and the revised version appears here and with the paper online. The authors regret this error.Figure 6Notopterol Binds to the 932/980/981 Sites in the Kinase Domain of JAK2 (Original)View Large Image Figure ViewerDownload Hi-res image Download (PPT) The Natural Compound Notopterol Binds and Targets JAK2/3 to Ameliorate Inflammation and ArthritisWang et al.Cell ReportsSeptember 15, 2020In BriefWang et al. show that the natural compound notopterol alleviates arthritis by binding to JAK2 and JAK3 which inhibit the JAK-STAT pathway and reduce inflammatory cytokine and chemokine production. Full-Text PDF Open Access