期刊:Solid State Phenomena日期:2021-05-01卷期号:318: 39-47
In this work, molecular dynamics (MD) simulation was utilized in relation to access the thermal conductivity of UO2, PuO2 and (U, Pu)O2 in temperature range of 500–3000 K. Diffusion study on mixed oxide (MOX) was also performed to assess the effect of radiation damage by heavy ions at burnup temperatures. Analysis of the lattice thermal conductivity of irradiated MOX to its microstructure was carried out to enhance the irradiation defects with how high burnup hinders fuel properties and its pellet-cladding interaction. Fission gas diffusion as determined was mainly modelled by main diffusion coefficient. Degradation of diffusivity is predicted in MOX as composition deviate from the pure end members. The concentration of residual anion defects is considerably higher than that of cations in all oxides. Depending on the diffusion behavior of the fuel lattice, there was decrease in the ratio of anion to cation defects with increasing temperature. Besides, the modern mixed oxide fuel releases fission gas compared to that of UO2 fuel at moderate burnups.