An unprecedented, chemo- and regioselective, organo-photoredox catalyzed hydroformylation reaction of aryl olefins with diethoxyacetic acid as the formylation reagent is described. In contrast to traditional transition metal promoted ionic hydroformylation reactions, the new process follows a unique photoredox promoted, free radical pathway. In this process, a formyl radical equivalent, produced from diethoxacetic acid through a dye (4CzIPN) photocatalyzed, sequential oxidation-decarboxylation route, regio- and chemoselectively adds to a styrene substrate. Importantly, under the optimized reaction conditions the benzylic radical formed in this manner is reduced by SET from the anion radical of 4CzIPN to generate a benzylic anion. Finally, protonation produces the hydroformylation product. By using the new protocol, aldehydes can be generated regioselectively in up to 90% yield. A broad array of functional groups is tolerated in the process, which takes place under mild, metal-free conditions.