Under the discipline of nonlinear ultrasonics, in addition to second harmonic generation, static component generation is another frequently used nonlinear ultrasonic behavior in non-destructive testing (NDT) and structural health monitoring (SHM) communities. However, most previous studies on static component generation are mainly based on using longitudinal waves. It is desirable to extend static component generation from primary longitudinal waves to primary Lamb waves. In this paper, static component generation from the primary Lamb waves is studied. Two major issues are numerically investigated. First, the mode of static displacement component generated from different primary Lamb wave modes is identified. Second, cumulative effect of static displacement component from different primary Lamb wave modes is also discussed. Our study results show that the static component wave packets generated from the primary S0, A0 and S1 modes share the almost same group velocity equal to the phase velocity of S0 mode tending to zero frequency cplate. The finding indicates that whether the primary mode is S0, A0 or S1, the static components generated from these primary modes always share the nature of S0 mode. This conclusion is also verified by the displacement filed of these static components that the horizontal displacement field is almost uniform and the vertical displacement filed is antisymmetric across the thickness of the plate. The uniform distribution of horizontal displacement filed enables the static component, regardless of the primary Lamb modes, to be a promising technique for evaluating microstructural damages buried in the interior of a structure. Our study also illustrates that the static components are cumulative regardless of whether the phase velocity of the primary and secondary waves is matched or not. This observation indicates that the static component overcomes the limitations of the traditional nonlinear Lamb waves satisfying phase velocity matching condition to achieve cumulative second harmonic generation. This nature also enables the primary Lamb waves excited at a low center frequency to generate static component used for inspecting large-scale structures with micro-scale damages.