Journal Article A Review of the Research on Solution-Focused Therapy Get access Jacqueline Corcoran, Jacqueline Corcoran Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar Vijayan Pillai Vijayan Pillai Dr. Jacqueline Corcoran is an associate professor at Virginia Commonwealth University School of Social Work, where she teaches Direct Practice, Human Behavior, and Research. Her books include Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis in Social Work Practice (Oxford, 2006, with Joseph Walsh), Cognitive-Behavioral Methods for Social Workers: A Workbook (Allyn Bacon, 2006), Building Strengths and Skills: A Collaborative Approach to Working with Clients (Oxford, 2004), Clinical Applications of Evidence-Based Family Interventions (Oxford, 2003), and Evidence-Based Social Work Practice with Families: A Lifespan Approach (Springer, 2000).Dr. Vijayan Pillai is director of the Ph.D, program in social work at the University of Texas- Arlington. He obtained his PhD in Sociology from the University of Iowa, Iowa City, and MSW from Indore School of Social Work, Indore. He has published several articles on the relationship between women’s rights and reproductive health at a cross national level in developing countries. He is currently working on a meta-analysis of the effectiveness of family planning programs in developing countries in reducing fertility levels. Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar The British Journal of Social Work, Volume 39, Issue 2, March 2009, Pages 234–242, https://doi.org/10.1093/bjsw/bcm098 Published: 14 September 2007 Article history Accepted: 01 July 2007 Published: 14 September 2007