Abstract Poor quality eggs produced by the fully homozygous doubled haploids (DHs) may impair generation of clonal lines in fish species. In the present research, gynogenetic development of rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ) was induced in eggs originated from the DH females. Eggs were activated with the UV‐irradiated grayling ( Thymallus thymallus ) spermatozoa and subjected to the high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) shock to provide diploid clonal individuals. Only two of four DH females produced eggs that were successfully activated by the irradiated spermatozoa and subsequently developed into the gynogenetic embryos. Survival rates of rainbow trout from the clonal lines equalled 21.5% and 19.8% during embryogenesis and decreased after hatching to 18.6% and 14.9%, respectively. Some of the dead rainbow trout clones collected between hatching and swim‐up stage were emaciated and exhibited spinal deformities including scoliosis. Provided results confirmed limited developmental competences of eggs produced by rainbow trout DH females. Clonal rainbow trout developing in such eggs exhibited reduced survival and increased frequency of the body abnormalities.