Structure–Property Relationship of Bifunctional MnO2 Nanostructures: Highly Efficient, Ultra-Stable Electrochemical Water Oxidation and Oxygen Reduction Reaction Catalysts Identified in Alkaline Media
Manganese oxides of various structures (α-, β-, and δ-MnO2 and amorphous) were synthesized by facile methods. The electrocatalytic properties of these materials were systematically investigated for catalyzing both oxygen evolution reaction (OER) and oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) in alkaline media. Extensive characterization was correlated with the activity study by investigating the crystal structures (XRD, HRTEM), morphologies (SEM), porosities (BET), surfaces (XPS, O2-TPD/MS), and electrochemical properties (Tafel analysis, Koutechy-Levich plots, and constant-current electrolysis). These combined results show that the electrocatalytic activities are strongly dependent on the crystallographic structures, and follow an order of α-MnO2 > AMO > β-MnO2 > δ-MnO2. Both OER studies and ORR studies reveal similar structure-determined activity trends in alkaline media. In the OER studies, α-MnO2 displays an overpotential of 490 mV compared to 380 mV shown by an Ir/C catalyst in reaching 10 mA cm(-2). Meanwhile, α-MnO2 also exhibits stability for 3 h when supplying a constant current density of 5 mA cm(-2). This was further improved by adding Ni(2+) dopants (ca. 8 h). The superior OER activity was attributed to several factors, including abundant di-μ-oxo bridges existing in α-MnO2 as the protonation sites, analogous to the OEC in PS-II of the natural water oxidation system; the mixed valencies (AOS = 3.7); and the lowest charge transfer resistances (91.8 Ω, η = 430 mV) as revealed from in situ electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). In the ORR studies, when reaching 3 mA cm(-2), α-MnO2 shows 760 mV close to 860 mV for the best ORR catalyst (20% Pt/C). The outstanding ORR activity was due to the strongest O2 adsorption capability of α-MnO2 suggested by temperature-programmed desorption. As a result, this discovery of the structure-related electrocatalytic activities could provide guidance in the further development of easily prepared, scalable, and low-cost catalysts based on metal oxides and their derivatives.