Abstract The main objective of this investigation is the consolidation and flexural strength of alpha silicon carbide ceramics produced without additives by spark plasma sintering. Using the design of the experiment method, we optimized temperature and dwell to achieve fully dense silicon carbide bulks. The consolidation process of silicon carbide was analyzed similarly to the creep of bulk ceramics, and it was determined that the activation energy for the densification process was 596 ± 39 kJ/mol, while the stress exponent n was below 2. Bulk additive‐free silicon carbide ceramics gradually increased flexural strength as the temperature rose to 2000°C. The flexural strength at 2000°C was influenced by the loading rate, and under 2.5 mm/min, it reached a maximum of 2.08 GPa. To explain this phenomenon, a deformation mechanisms map was created, indicating that diffusion creep is the most probable mechanism for the strain sensitivity of SiC at 2000°C. Transmission electron microscopy indicated a substantial rise in twin density within the α‐SiC grains at 2000°C, indicating the activation of a previously unreported self‐reinforcing mechanism.