Recommendations for accurate reporting in medical research statistics

医学研究 医学统计学 心理学 统计 统计分析 数据科学 医学 医学教育 计算机科学 数学 病理
Mohammad Alì Mansournia,Maryam Nazemipour
期刊:The Lancet [Elsevier]
卷期号:403 (10427): 611-612 被引量:39

An important requirement for validity of medical research is sound methodology and statistics, yet this is still often overlooked by medical researchers.1Mansournia MA Collins GS Nielsen RO et al.A checklist for statistical assessment of medical papers (the CHAMP statement): explanation and elaboration.Br J Sports Med. 2021; 55: 1009-1017Crossref PubMed Scopus (88) Google Scholar, 2Mansournia MA Collins GS Nielsen RO et al.Checklist for statistical assessment of medical papers: the CHAMP statement.Br J Sports Med. 2021; 55: 1002-1003Crossref PubMed Scopus (38) Google Scholar Based on the experience of reviewing statistics in more than 1000 manuscripts submitted to The Lancet Group of journals over the past 3 years, this Correspondence provides guidance to commonly encountered statistical deficiencies in reports and how to avoid them (panel).PanelBasic recommendations for accurate reporting of statistics•Depending on the distribution, report either mean and SD or median and IQR for the description of quantitative variables. Provide supplemental material showing histograms or tables of the variables used in analyses.•Check all model assumptions, preferably with graphs where feasible.•Do not dichotomise p values ≥0·0001; instead, show the precise p value (eg, a p value of 0·032 should be shown as p=0·032, not p<0·05). However, the inequality p<0·0001 can be used to report very small p values.•Do not report results as showing no effect, unless all effects inside the interval estimate are clinically unimportant.•Interpret results on the basis of the clinical importance, with appropriate estimates of association with 95% CIs.•Identify confounders on the basis of background information, as depicted in causal directed acyclic graphs, not significance tests.•If the proportion of missing data is high enough to potentially affect results, use methods beyond simply discarding incomplete records—eg, inverse-probability-of-missingness weighting or multiple imputation.•Assess and handle sparse-data bias in ratio estimates with methods developed for that purpose.•If the outcome frequency is high, report risk ratios or risk differences instead of odds ratios.•Assess additive interactions even if your model is multiplicative. •Depending on the distribution, report either mean and SD or median and IQR for the description of quantitative variables. Provide supplemental material showing histograms or tables of the variables used in analyses.•Check all model assumptions, preferably with graphs where feasible.•Do not dichotomise p values ≥0·0001; instead, show the precise p value (eg, a p value of 0·032 should be shown as p=0·032, not p<0·05). However, the inequality p<0·0001 can be used to report very small p values.•Do not report results as showing no effect, unless all effects inside the interval estimate are clinically unimportant.•Interpret results on the basis of the clinical importance, with appropriate estimates of association with 95% CIs.•Identify confounders on the basis of background information, as depicted in causal directed acyclic graphs, not significance tests.•If the proportion of missing data is high enough to potentially affect results, use methods beyond simply discarding incomplete records—eg, inverse-probability-of-missingness weighting or multiple imputation.•Assess and handle sparse-data bias in ratio estimates with methods developed for that purpose.•If the outcome frequency is high, report risk ratios or risk differences instead of odds ratios.•Assess additive interactions even if your model is multiplicative. Data description is crucial to making sense of data. The mean and SD are often used for the description of quantitative variables. Nonetheless, for highly skewed variables (eg, typical environmental exposures) the median and IQR should be used instead; for variables that take only positive values, meanSD<2indicates serious skewness.3Altman DG Bland JM Detecting skewness from summary information.BMJ. 1996; 3131200Crossref Scopus (334) Google Scholar Full data descriptions also require histograms of continuous variables and tabulation of counts for categorical variables, along with percentages of missing data. Due to the volume of such descriptions, they can be given as supplementary material. All statistical analyses are based on fundamental assumptions, such as randomness of selection or treatment assignment. The validity of statistical modelling depends on further assumptions that should be assessed and, for this purpose, statistical tests are inadequate—graphical methods are needed. An important assumption underlying most regression models is linearity (on some scale) for quantitative predictors, which should be assessed with methods such as fractional polynomials or regression splines. In particular, categorisation of quantitative variables assumes an unrealistic step function, which can result in power loss or uncontrolled confounding.4Altman DG Royston P The cost of dichotomising continuous variables.BMJ. 2006; 3321080Crossref Google Scholar, 5Binney ZO Mansournia MA Methods matter: (mostly) avoid categorising continuous data—a practical guide.Br J Sports Med. 2023; (published online Nov 28.) Scopus (0) Google Scholar Statistical inference remains heavily based on hypothesis testing and estimation. However, p values can provide useful information about the compatibility of data with statistical hypotheses or models and so should be reported precisely, not replaced by qualitative comments about being significant or not. Compatibility can be gauged through transformations of p values, called s values, based on coin-tossing experiments.6Greenland S Mansournia MA Joffe M To curb research misreporting, replace significance and confidence by compatibility: a Preventive Medicine Golden Jubilee article.Prev Med. 2022; 164107127Crossref PubMed Scopus (22) Google Scholar, 7Mansournia MA Nazemipour M Etminan M p-value, compatibility, and s-value.Glob Epidemiol. 2022; 4100085Google Scholar Over-reliance on statistical testing should be avoided and p values should not be dichotomised at levels such as 0·05 or 0·01. In particular, large p values should not be interpreted as showing no association or no effect: absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.8Altman DG Bland JM Statistics notes: absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.BMJ. 1995; 311: 485Crossref PubMed Scopus (1287) Google Scholar Only a very narrow interval estimate near the null value (0 for differences, 1 for ratios) warrants inferring that the study found no important association or effect. More generally, the clinical importance of results should be judged on the basis of interval estimates of appropriate measures, such as the difference of means or of risks. The research question for many studies is causality, for which confounding adjustment is crucial. Confounders should be selected on the basis of background causal information—eg, as depicted in a directed acyclic graph.9Greenland S Pearl J Robins JM Causal diagrams for epidemiologic research.Epidemiology. 1999; 10: 37-48Crossref PubMed Scopus (2821) Google Scholar, 10Lipsky AM Greenland S Causal directed acyclic graphs.JAMA. 2022; 327: 1083-1084Crossref PubMed Scopus (65) Google Scholar Significance-based methodologies, such as stepwise selection algorithms, can be highly misleading because they could omit important confounders.11Etminan M Collins GS Mansournia MA Using causal diagrams to improve the design and interpretation of medical research.Chest. 2020; 158: S21-S28Summary Full Text Full Text PDF PubMed Scopus (71) Google Scholar, 12Etminan M Brophy JM Collins G Nazemipour M Mansournia MA To adjust or not to adjust: the role of different covariates in cardiovascular observational studies.Am Heart J. 2021; 237: 62-67Crossref PubMed Scopus (38) Google Scholar, 13Kyriacou DN Greenland P Mansournia MA Using causal diagrams for biomedical research.Ann Emerg Med. 2023; 81: 606-613Summary Full Text Full Text PDF Scopus (3) Google Scholar Missing data is common. Simple methods of handling missing data, such as complete-case analysis (ie, listwise deletion), missingness indicators, or last-observation-carried-forward, can be subject to considerable bias and should be avoided if the proportion of missing data is high (eg, >5%). Better methods include inverse probability weighting and multiple imputation, although these still depend on missingness being conditionally random.14Altman DG Bland JM Missing data.BMJ. 2007; 334: 424Crossref PubMed Scopus (145) Google Scholar, 15Mansournia MA Altman DG Inverse probability weighting.BMJ. 2016; 352: i189Crossref PubMed Scopus (307) Google Scholar An important source of bias in logistic or Cox regression is sparse data—ie, a low number of events in some combinations of levels of variables. Unrealistically large ratio measures with wide interval estimates (eg, an odds ratio >10 with limits of 2 and 50) indicate sparse-data bias, which can be reduced with penalised or Bayesian methods.16Greenland S Mansournia MA Altman DG Sparse data bias: a problem hiding in plain sight.BMJ. 2016; 352i1981PubMed Google Scholar, 17Mansournia MA Geroldinger A Greenland S Heinze G Separation in logistic regression: causes, consequences, and control.Am J Epidemiol. 2018; 187: 864-870Crossref PubMed Scopus (142) Google Scholar When the dependent variable is an indicator of a common outcome, adjusted risk ratios are preferable to odds ratios for assessing clinical relevance, due to their ease of proper interpretation and resistance to sparse-data bias. Risk ratios and differences can be estimated in cohort studies and randomised trials with modified Poisson regression or regression standardisation.18Zou G A modified Poisson regression approach to prospective studies with binary data.Am J Epidemiol. 2004; 159: 702-706Crossref PubMed Scopus (6512) Google Scholar, 19Greenland S Model-based estimation of relative risks and other epidemiologic measures in studies of common outcomes and in case-control studies.Am J Epidemiol. 2004; 160: 301-305Crossref PubMed Scopus (599) Google Scholar Many studies try to examine interactions between two treatments on the outcome or want to estimate how much an effect of a treatment is modified by another variable (ie, effect-measure modification). Modellers often add product terms in the regression model such as logistic or Cox, which correspond to multiplicative interactions on the odds or rate scale. However, additive interaction on risks is more relevant for both clinical decisions and public health and so should be assessed as well.20Knol MJ VanderWeele TJ Recommendations for presenting analyses of effect modification and interaction.Int J Epidemiol. 2012; 41: 514-520Crossref PubMed Scopus (746) Google Scholar In either case, studies will usually have little power to establish even the direction of an interaction and risk producing misleading estimates if they screen for interactions with statistical tests. MAM is a statistical reviewer for The Lancet Group. We declare no other competing interests. We thank Sander Greenland and Jay Kaufman for their helpful comments on an earlier draft of this Correspondence.
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