Summary Identifying new nitrate regulatory genes and illustrating their mechanisms in modulating nitrate signaling are of great significance for achieving the high yield and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) of crops. Here, we screened a mutant with defects in nitrate response and mapped the mutation to the gene eIF4E1 in Arabidopsis . Our results showed that eIF4E1 regulated nitrate signaling and metabolism. Ribo‐seq and polysome profiling analysis revealed that eIF4E1 modulated the amount of some nitrogen (N)‐related mRNAs being translated, especially the mRNA of NRT1 . 1 was reduced in the eif4e1 mutant. RNA‐Seq results enriched some N‐related genes, supporting that eIF4E1 is involved in nitrate regulation. The genetic analysis indicated that eIF4E1 worked upstream of NRT1 . 1 in nitrate signaling. In addition, an eIF4E1‐interacting protein GEMIN2 was identified and found to be involved in nitrate signaling. Further investigation showed that overexpression of eIF4E1 promoted plant growth and enhanced yield and NUE. These results demonstrate that eIF4E1 regulates nitrate signaling by modulating NRT1 . 1 at both translational and transcriptional levels, laying the foundation for future research on the regulation of mineral nutrition at the translational level.