Abstract Micro‐supercapacitors (MSCs) as high‐power density energy storage units are designed to meet the booming development of flexible electronics, requiring simple and fast fabrication technology. Herein, a fast and direct solvent‐free patterning method is reported to fabricate shape‐tailorable and flexible MSCs by floating catalyst chemical vapor deposition (FCCVD). The nitrogen‐doped single‐walled carbon nanotubes (N‐SWCNTs) are directly deposited on a patterned filter by FCCVD with designable patterns and facilely dry‐transferred on versatile substrates. The obtained MSCs deliver an excellent areal capacitance of 3.6 mF cm −2 and volumetric capacitance of 98.6 F cm −3 at a scan rate of 5 mV s −1 along with excellent long‐term cycle stability over 125 000 circles. Furthermore, the MSCs show good performance uniformity, which can be readily integrated via connection in parallel or series to deliver a stable high voltage (4 V with five serially connected devices) and large capacitance (5.1 mF with five parallel devices) at a scan rate of 100 mV s −1 , enabling powering the light emitting displays. Therefore, this method blazes the trail of directly preparing flexible, shape‐customizable, and high‐performance MSCs.