Bioluminescence (BL) imaging has emerged to tackle the potential challenges of fluorescence (FL) imaging including the autofluorescence background, inhomogeneous illumination over a wide imaging field, and the light-induced overheating effect. Taking advantage of the bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) mechanism between a conventional luciferin compound and a suitable acceptor, the visible light of the former can be extended to photons with longer wavelengths emitting from the latter. Although BRET-based self-illuminating imaging probes have already been prepared, employing potentially cytotoxic elements as the acceptor with the emission wavelengths which hardly reach the first near-infrared (NIR-I) window, has limited their applications as safe and high performance in vivo imaging agents. Herein, we report a biocompatible, self-illuminating, and second near-infrared (NIR-II) emissive probe to address the cytotoxicity concerns as well as improve the penetration depth and spatiotemporal resolution of BL imaging. To this end, NanoLuc luciferase enzyme molecules were immobilized on the surface of silver sulfide quantum dots to oxidize its luciferin substrate and initiate a single-step BRET mechanism, resulting in NIR-II photons from the quantum dots. The resulting dual modality (BL/FL) probes were successfully applied to in vivo tumor imaging in mice, demonstrating that NIR-II BL signals could be easily detected from the tumor sites, giving rise to ∼2 times higher signal-to-noise ratios compared to those obtained under FL mode. The results indicated that nontoxic NIR-II emitting nanocrystals deserve more attention to be tailored to fill the growing demands of preparing appropriate agents for high quality BL imaging.