Portal vein thrombosis (PVT) refers to the thrombosis of the main portal vein and/or branches, with or without mesenteric vein and splenic vein thrombosis, and is the most common cause of extrahepatic portal vein obstruction. It is latent under chronic conditions and is often detected accidentally during physical examinations or liver cancer screenings. Notably, the understanding of PVT management is still limited, both at home and abroad. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to provide a reference for clinical diagnosis and treatment of PVT formation by summarizing the basis and standards for clinical diagnosis and treatment based on representative research with a large sample size and new perspectives with recent guidelines and consensus.门静脉血栓(PVT)指的是门静脉主干和/或分支发生血栓,伴或不伴肠系膜静脉和脾静脉血栓形成,是肝外门静脉阻塞最常见的病因,在慢性情况下起病隐匿,常在体检或肝癌筛查时偶然发现。迄今为止,国内外对PVT管理仍认识有限,现基于具有代表性且样本量大的研究及新近PVT指南与共识中的新观点,总结PVT形成基础及临床诊治规范,为临床诊疗提供参考。.