An on-chip supercontinuum (SC) source spanning from 900 nm to 2000 nm has been experimentally presented and analyzed based on a Ge11.5As24S64.5 (GeAsS) planar waveguide at telecommunication wavelength. The nonlinear response parameter ( γ ) of the GeAsS waveguide is estimated to be ∼12/W/m at the pump wavelength using resonant grating waveguide (RGW) nonlinear refractive index ( n2=2×10−18m2/W ), which is measured by the z-scan technique. The dispersion of the waveguide is carefully engineered based on the refractive index of the GeAsS film where the film structure is confirmed by a Raman spectrum exhibiting consistency with the corresponding glass. The results suggest that the GeAsS glass is expected to be an ideal platform for on-chip devices.