A key component of the NGA research project was the development of a strong-motion database with improved quality and content that could be used for ground-motion research as well as for engineering practice. Development of the NGA database was executed through the Lifelines program of the PEER Center with contributions from several research organizations and many individuals in the engineering and seismological communities. Currently, the data set consists of 3551 publicly available multi-component records from 173 shallow crustal earthquakes, ranging in magnitude from 4.2 to 7.9. Each acceleration time series has been corrected and filtered, and pseudo absolute spectral acceleration at multiple damping levels has been computed for each of the 3 components of the acceleration time series. The lowest limit of usable spectral frequency was determined based on the type of filter and the filter corner frequency. For NGA model development, the two horizontal acceleration components were further rotated to form the orientation-independent measure of horizontal ground motion (GMRotI50). In addition to the ground-motion parameters, a large and comprehensive list of metadata characterizing the recording conditions of each record was also developed. NGA data have been systematically checked and reviewed by experts and NGA developers.