The characterization of magnetic memory effect is the primary task of the metal magnetic memory (MMM) technique used in quantitative evaluation, and it has been characterized by the Jiles-Atherton (J-A) model in recent papers. The feasibility of using the MMM field to characterize magnetization intensity M and the feasibility of using the J-A model in MMM detection are discussed in this paper to clarify the magnetic memory effect in the elastic stage. According to analysis with the J-A model and the results of a rotating bending fatigue experiment, the MMM field follows the law that the state approaches equilibrium under the action of cyclic stress. This is similar to what the J-A model shows, only with replacement of the global equilibrium state Man in the J-A model with the local equilibrium state M0. The expression of M0 is obtained by considering the energy balance in the process of magnetization. M0 changes with the pinning resistance, external field, and type of stress cycle. Additionally, the M0−σ curve is a loop around the Man−σ curve, which is consistent with experimental results. How the modified J-A model describes the variation in MMM field in the process of fatigue is also discussed. This paper shows that the J-A model can be used to analyze the magnetic memory effect in the process of fatigue after replacing Man with M0.