This case report aims to describe a modified surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion technique to treat an asymmetrical posterior crossbite with no mandibular shift without causing an interincisal diastema. A clinical patient with an asymmetrical crossbite, large tooth-size-arch length, and Bolton discrepancy is used to illustrate the modified technique. Instead of traditional osteotomies, in this technique, the osteotomy is done between the maxillary right canine and lateral incisor (connecting the piriform aperture to the alveolar process) along with a unilateral LeFort I osteotomy. The expansion forces are produced by the activation of a conventional hyrax appliance. The skeletal unilateral crossbite was corrected without major changes to the opposite side and without causing an anesthetic diastema between the maxillary central incisors. A mandibular incisor extraction produced the space needed to treat the tooth size-arch length and corrected the Bolton discrepancy. This allowed a successful treatment of the problems initially presented by the patient.