Ethosuximide is the first drug reported to protect against age-related hearing loss, but its benefits are hampered by the pronounced side effects generated through systemic administration. We prepared a thermosensitive hydrogel containing ethosuximide-encapsulated multivesicular liposomes (ethosuximide-loaded MVLs-Gel) and evaluated its functional and histological effects on age-related hearing loss in C57BL/6J mice. The MVLs-Gel showed slow sustained-release characteristics up to over 120 h. After 8 weeks of treatment, compared to the oral systemic administration of ethosuximide, intratympanic ethosuximide-loaded MVLs-Gel injection dramatically reduced the loss of age-related spiral ganglion neurons in the apical turns of the mice (low-frequency regions, p < 0.05). Correspondingly, compared to the oral systemic administration group, the intratympanic ethosuximide-loaded MVLs-Gel injection group showed significantly lower auditory brainstem response threshold shifts at stimulus frequencies of 4, 8, and 16 kHz (low-and middle-frequency regions, p < 0.05). In conclusion, intratympanic ethosuximide-loaded MVLs-Gel injection can reach the apical turn of the cochlea, which is extremely difficult with oral systemic administration of the drug. The ethosuximide-loaded MVLs-Gel, as a novel intratympanic sustained-release drug delivery system, attenuated age-related hearing loss in C57BL/6J mice.