is presented, based on the primary principle of monophyly. The recognition of subfamily Wurmbaeoideae for the cormous genera results in a paraphyletic Uvularioideae unless a further two or three subfamilies are recognized among the rhizomatous members of the family. This is not justified in such a small family. A revised tribal taxonomy is presented, recognizing six morphologically diagnosable, monophyletic clades at tribal level. The tribes were defined to maximize nomenclatural and taxonomic stability. Three emended tribes, Anguillarieae, Colchiceae and Iphigenieae, are recognized in the wurmbaeoid clade. The uvularioid grade is divided into Uvularieae and two new tribes, Burchardieae and Tripladenieae. The genus Burchardia is probably paraphyletic and further tribes may be required to accommodate segregates pending analysis of all species in the genus. The genera Neodregea and Onixotis are included within a widened circumscription of Wurmbea, defined by an ebracteate, spiciform inflorescence and three leaves. The genus Littonia is included within an expanded Gloriosa, distinguished by a stoloniferous corm, opposite or verticillate lower leaves, yellow to orange flowers, and more or less fleshy seeds. The necessary new combinations in these two genera are provided.