In this paper, we study in detail the nonlinear propagation of a magnetic soliton in a ferromagnetic film. The sample is magnetized to saturation by an external field perpendicular to film plane. A generalized (2+1)-dimensional short-wave asymptotic model is derived. The bilinearlike forms of this equation are constructed and exact magnetic line soliton solutions are exhibited. It is observed that a series of stable lumps can be generated by an unstable magnetic soliton under Gaussian disturbance. Such magnetic lumps are highly stable and can maintain their shapes and velocities during evolution or collision. The interaction between lump and magnetic solitons, as well as the interaction between two lumps, are numerically investigated. We further discuss the nonlinear motion of lumps in ferrites with Gilbert damping and inhomogeneous exchange effects. The results show that the Gilbert-damping effects make the amplitude and velocity of the magnetic lump decay exponentially during propagation. And the shock waves are generated from a lump when quenching the strength of inhomogeneous exchange.