One of the major environmental factors that induce PD is Manganese (Mn). Cellular and molecular mechanism of parkinsonism caused by Mn has not been explored clearly. The results of in vivo and in vitro experiments showed that Mn exposure caused abnormal projection of dopaminergic neurons and decreased mRNA expression and protein levels of FTO. This is due to Mn-induced the upregulation of Foxo3a. Using the cell model of overexpression of FTO, we found that FTO could antagonize Mn-induced the down-regulation of axon guidance molecule ephrin-B2 through RNA-seq, MeRIP-qPCR, and RT-qPCR experiments. Through RIP-seq and actinomycin D experiments, it was found that FTO can up-regulate the mRNA m6A level of ephrin-B2, which can be recognized by YTHDF2 and degraded. Finally, it is proved that Mn induces dopaminergic neurons projection injury and motor dysfunction through Foxo3a/FTO/m6A/ephrin-B2/YTHDF2 signal pathway.