Mitochondrial proteomic analysis reveals the regulation of energy metabolism and reactive oxygen species production in Clematis terniflora DC. leaves under high-level UV-B radiation followed by dark treatment
Clematis terniflora DC. is an important medicinal plant from the family Ranunculaceae. A previous study has shown that active ingredients in C. terniflora, such as flavonoids and coumarins, are increased under ultraviolet B radiation (UV-B) and dark treatment and that the numbers of genes related to the tricarboxylic acid cycle and mitochondrial electron transport chain (mETC) are changed. To uncover the mechanism of the response to UV-B radiation and dark treatment in C. terniflora , mitochondrial proteomics was performed. The results showed that proteins related to photorespiration, mitochondrial membrane permeability, the tricarboxylic acid cycle, and the mETC mainly showed differential expression profiles. Moreover, the increase in alternative oxidase indicated that another oxygen-consuming respiratory pathway in plant mitochondria was induced to minimize mitochondrial reactive oxygen species production. These results suggested that respiration and mitochondrial membrane permeability were deeply influenced to avoid energy consumption and maintain energy balance under UV-B radiation and dark treatment in C. terniflora leaf mitochondria. Furthermore, oxidative phosphorylation was able to regulate intracellular oxygen balance to resist oxidative stress. This study improves understanding of the function of mitochondria in response to UV-B radiation and dark treatment in C. terniflora . C. terniflora was an important traditional Chinese medicine for anti-inflammatory. Previous study showed that the contents of coumarins which were the main active ingredient in C. terniflora were induced by UV-B radiation and dark treatment. In the present study, to uncover the regulatory mechanism of metabolic changes in C. terniflora , mitochondrial proteomics analysis of leaves was performed. The results showed that photorespiration and oxidative phosphorylation pathways were influenced under UV-B radiation and dark treatment. Mitochondria in C. terniflora leaf played a crucial role in energy mechanism and regulation of cellular oxidation-reduction to maintain cell homeostasis under UV-B radiation followed with dark treatment. • Mitochondria proteomics were conducted to see UV-B radiation followed by dark stress regulation mechanism in C. terniflora . • Energy metabolism and mitochondrial membrane permeability were involved in response to UV-B radiation and dark treatment. • UV-B radiation and dark treatment induce ATP production to provide the energy for secondary metabolism.