Volatile-char interaction is an important phenomenon in biomass thermal conversion process, which significantly contributes to the decomposition, deoxygenation and upgrading of biomass. However, the deep insight into volatile-char interaction mechanisms between hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin is currently unclear. In this work, above mechanism was studied through systematic single-/bi-component torrefactions and the follow-up char analysis. Results demonstrate that only hemicellulose volatile and cellulose char interaction exists during torrefaction at 250 °C, causing over 19.9 wt% of mass loss and 27.3 wt% of O removal for cellulose. This volatile-char interaction causes significant depolymerization and amorphization of cellulose by hydrolysis, acid hydrolysis and esterification reactions. The depolymerized and amorphous cellulose partly thermally decomposes to dehydrated sugars and aromatic compounds through dehydroxylation and aromatization reactions. A volatile-char interaction mechanism model is thus developed. This work provides theoretical insight into biomass thermal conversion and provides basis for the development of new thermochemical method.