Lactobacillus gasseri is a kind of facultative anaerobic lactic acid bacterium, and has been defined as GRAS microorganism by the US Food and Drug Administration. We reported the whole genome sequence of L. gasseri LGZ1029. The complete genome of L. gasseri LGZ1029 was 2,027,325 bp encoding 2005 genes with an average G + C content of 35.06%. Based on the analysis of genes involved in antibiotic resistance, virulence factor, and production of harmful metabolites, we have speculated that L. gasseri LGZ1029 is safe. By genome mining tool, a complete plnABCD operon was present in the genome of L. gasseri LGZ1029, indicating that it has the potential to generate antimicrobial bacteriocin. Stress-related genes speculated that L. gasseri LGZ1029 had good gastrointestinal tolerance, bacteriostatic ability, and antioxidant activity with excellent probiotic characteristics, indicating that it can be a probiotic candidate with great potential.