Precise segmentation of retinal vessels plays an important role in computer-assisted diagnosis. Deep learning models have been applied to retinal vessel segmentation, but the efficacy is limited by the significant scale variation of vascular structures and the intricate background of retinal images. This paper supposes a cross-channel spatial attention U-Net (CCS-UNet) for accurate retinal vessel segmentation. In comparison to other models based on U-Net, our model employes a ResNeSt block for the encoder-decoder architecture. The block has a multi-branch structure that enables the model to extract more diverse vascular features. It facilitates weight distribution across channels through the incorporation of soft attention, which effectively aggregates contextual information in vascular images. Furthermore, we suppose an attention mechanism within the skip connection. This mechanism serves to enhance feature integration across various layers, thereby mitigating the degradation of effective information. It helps acquire cross-channel information and enhance the localization of regions of interest, ultimately leading to improved recognition of vascular structures. In addition, the feature fusion module (FFM) module is used to provide semantic information for a more refined vascular segmentation map. We evaluated CCS-UNet based on five benchmark retinal image datasets, DRIVE, CHASEDB1, STARE, IOSTAR and HRF. Our proposed method exhibits superior segmentation efficacy compared to other state-of-the-art techniques with a global accuracy of 0.9617/0.9806/0.9766/0.9786/0.9834 and AUC of 0.9863/0.9894/0.9938/0.9902/0.9855 on DRIVE, CHASEDB1, STARE, IOSTAR and HRF respectively. Ablation studies are also performed to evaluate the the relative contributions of different architectural components. Our proposed model is potential for diagnostic aid of retinal diseases.