Fecal incontinence is one of the common diseases in the field of colorectal and anal surgery. Its etiology is complex, the treatment response is suboptimal, and there are controversies in clinical care. There is no consensus on the clinical practice of fecal incontinence in China currently. Launched by Anorectal Branch of Chinese Medical Doctor Association, Expert Committee on Anorectal Disease of Anorectal Branch of Chinese Medical Doctor Association, and Clinical Guidelines Committee of Anorectal Branch of Chinese Medical Doctor Association, and organized by the editorial board of Chinese Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Chinese experts on this field were convened to write the Chinese expert consensus on clinical practice of fecal incontinence based on relevant references. After rounds of discussion, the final consensus combines the latest evidence and experts' clinical experience. This expert group suggested that a comprehensive assessment of fecal incontinence should be conducted before treatment, including medical history, relevant scales, physical examination and special examinations. Special examinations include anorectal endoscopy, anorectal manometry, transrectal ultrasound, magnetic resonance, rectal sensation and compliance, balloon ejection test, pelvic floor electromyography, defecography, colonoscopy and pudendal nerve terminal motor latency. Treatment methods include life style modification, medication, surgery, traditional Chinese medicine and other treatments. This consensus aims to standardize the algorithm of fecal incontinence management and improve therapeutic efficacy.排粪失禁是结直肠肛门外科领域常见的疾病之一。其病因复杂,临床治疗效果不理想,在临床诊治方面存在一定争议。目前对排粪失禁的诊治尚未形成共识。由中国医师协会肛肠医师分会、中国医师协会肛肠医师分会肛肠疾病专家委员会和中国医师协会肛肠医师分会临床指南工作委员会共同发起,在《中华胃肠外科杂志》编辑部组织下,召集国内本领域专家成立工作小组,在检索相关文献的基础上,结合国内外最新循证医学证据和临床经验,经过多次讨论,编写了《排粪失禁临床诊治中国专家共识》。本共识建议在治疗前对存在排粪失禁的患者进行综合评估,包括病史询问、专科评分、体格检查和专科检查(包括肛门镜和直肠镜检查、肛门直肠压力测定、经直肠腔内超声、核磁共振、直肠感觉和顺应性测定、球囊逼出试验、盆底肌电图、排粪造影、结肠镜和阴部神经末梢运动潜伏期检测)。治疗方式包括基础治疗、药物治疗、手术治疗、中医治疗和其他治疗方法。本共识旨在规范排粪失禁的诊治流程以提高疗效。.