Previous work has shown the ability of Fibresolve, a machine learning system, to non-invasively classify idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) with a pre-invasive sensitivity of 53% and specificity of 86% versus other types of interstitial lung disease. Further external validation for the use of Fibresolve to classify IPF in patients with non-definite usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) is needed. The aim of this study is to assess the sensitivity for Fibresolve to positively classify IPF in an external cohort of patients with a non-definite UIP radiographic pattern.
This is a retrospective analysis of patients (n = 193) enrolled in two prospective phase two clinical trials that enrolled patients with IPF. We retrospectively identified patients with non-definite UIP on HRCT (n = 51), 47 of whom required surgical lung biopsy for diagnosis. Fibresolve was used to analyze the HRCT chest imaging which was obtained prior to invasive biopsy and sensitivity for final diagnosis of IPF was calculated.
The sensitivity of Fibresolve for the non-invasive classification of IPF in patients with a non-definite UIP radiographic pattern by HRCT was 76.5% (95% CI 66.5–83.7). For the subgroup of 47 patients who required surgical biopsy to aid in final diagnosis of IPF, Fibresolve had a sensitivity of 74.5% (95% CI 60.5–84.7).
In patients with suspected IPF with non-definite UIP on HRCT, Fibresolve can positively identify cases of IPF with high sensitivity. These results suggest that in combination with standard clinical assessment, Fibresolve has the potential to serve as an adjunct in the non-invasive diagnosis of IPF.