Comparative composition of lipids and cytosol soluble carbohydrates at different ambient pH values was studied for two obligately alkaliphilic fungi (Sodiomyces magadii and S. alkalinus) and for two alkalitolerant ones (Acrostalagmus luteoalbus and Chordomyces antarcticus). The differences and common patterns were revealed in responses to pH stress for the fungi with different types of adaptation to ambient pH. While trehalose was one of the major cytosol carbohydrates in alkaliphilic fungi under optimal growth conditions (pH 10.2), pH decrease to 7.0 resulted in doubling its content. In alkalitolerant fungi trehalose was a minor component and its level did not change significantly at different pH. In alkalitolerant fungi, arabitol and mannitol were the major carbohydrate components, with their highest ratio observed under alkaline conditions and the lowest one, under neutral and acidic conditions. In alkaliphiles, significant levels of arabitol were revealed only under alkaline conditions, which indicated importance of trehalose and arabitol for alkaliphily. Decreased pH resulted in the doubling of the proportion of phosphatidic acids among the membrane lipids, which was accompanied by a decrease in the fractions of phosphatidylcholines and sterols. Alkalitolerant fungi also exhibited a decrease in sterol level at decreased pH, but against the background of increased proportion of one of phospholipids. Decreased unsaturation degree in the fatty acids of the major phospholipids was a common response to decreased ambient pH.