Abstract Motivated by the promise of two-dimensional nanostructures in the field of gas sensing, we have employed van der Waals corrected density functional theory calculations to study the structural, electronic and gas sensing propensities of the recently designed Si2BN monolayer. Our rigorous simulations reveal that the representative members of nitrogen-containing gases (NCGs) such as NO, NO2 and NH3 binds extremely strongly on pristine Si2BN monolayer. However, a strong dissociative adsorption in case of NO and NO2 would poison the Si2BN and ultimately reversibility of the monolayer would be compromised. Exploring the sensing mechanism in more realistic pre-oxidized conditions, the binding characteristics of O2@Si2BN changed dramatically, resulting into much lower adsorption in associative manner for all NO, NO2 and NH3. A visible change in work function indicates the variation in conductivity of O2@Si2BN upon the exposure of incident gases. Sustainable values of binding energies would also ensure a quick recovery time that makes O2@Si2BN an efficient nano sensor for pollutants like NCGs.