Composites of reduced graphene oxide (rGO) and conducting polymers synthesized from 8-amino-2-naphthalene sulfonic acid (8-ANSA), 5-amino-1-naphthalene sulfonic acid (5-ANSA), 2-amino-1-naphthalene sulfonic acid (2-ANSA), and 4-amino-1-naphthalene sulfonic (4-ANSA) were prepared for use as an electrocatalyst in oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). The electrocatalytic activities were examined in oxygen saturated 0.1 M KOH solution using cyclic and linear sweep voltammetry. The best performing polymer composite was found to be GC/poly(8-ANSA)/rGO, with an enhanced electrocatalytic activity over the rGO only and poly(8-ANSA) only films. More than 100 mV positive shift in the onset potential and 1.6 times increase in current density were observed. The catalytic activity of 2-ANSA, 4-ANSA, 5-ANSA, and 8-ANSA was also validated by density functional theory (DFT). Our calculations predict a much better catalytic activity for 8-ANSA than that of 2-ANSA, 4-ANSA, and 5-ANSA. KEY WORDS: Poly(amino naphthalene sulfonic acid), Reduced graphene oxide, Oxygen reduction reaction, Electrocatalyst Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2019, 33(2), 359-372.DOI: