The Vaccine Administration Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws require that vaccine recipients or their guardians be educated about vaccines and how they work, and described in general the methods and contents of such vaccination education. With the new law and "Standard Operational Procedures for Immunization" as foundation documents, and in consultation with experts at home and abroad, the Chinese Preventive Medicine Association developed a consensus statement about informed consent for vaccination. This consensus statement is written for disease control and prevention health care personnel in vaccination services and describes the educational content of informed consent, a theoretical framework for immunization and immunization knowledge, the informed consent processes, principles of planning for vaccination, and an informed consent form. Part One of the consensus includes the general principles of vaccination and provides specific information on hepatitis B vaccine, Bacillus Calmette- Guérin vaccine, poliomyelitis vaccine, diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis vaccine, measles-containing vaccine, Japanese encephalitis vaccine, meningococcal vaccine, and hepatitis A vaccine.《中华人民共和国疫苗管理法》和其他相关法律法规对受种者或其监护人的疫苗和预防接种工作知情提出了要求,对预防接种告知方式和内容作出了规定。本共识以该法和《预防接种工作规范》为基础,借鉴国内外经验,阐述了预防接种知情告知的发展和形式,制定了预防接种知情告知理论框架、标准流程和信息、非免疫规划疫苗知情告知原则以及各疫苗知情同意书格式,为疾病控制和预防保健人员在预防接种服务中参考。本部分共识包括总则以及乙型肝炎疫苗、卡介苗、含脊髓灰质炎成分疫苗、含百日咳/白喉/破伤风成分疫苗、含麻疹/风疹/流行性腮腺炎成分疫苗、乙型脑炎疫苗、脑膜炎球菌疫苗、甲型肝炎疫苗预防接种知情告知内容。.