In this study, the porous carbon material (FeN-BC) with ultra-high catalytic activity was obtained from waste biomass through Fe-N co-doping. The prominent degradation rate (> 96.8%) of naproxen (NAP) was achieved over a wide pH range (pH 3.0-9.0) in FeN-BC/PAA system. Unlike previously reported iron-based peracetic acid (PAA) systems with •OH or RO• as the dominated reactive species, the degradation of contaminants was attributed to singlet oxygen (1O2) produced by organic radicals (RO•) decomposition, which was proved to be thermodynamically feasible and favorable by theoretical calculations. Combining the theoretical calculations, characteristic and experimental analysis, the synergistic effects of Fe and N were proposed and summarized as follows: i) promoted the formation of extensive defects and Fe0 species that facilitated electron transfer between FeN-BC and PAA and continuous Fe(II) generation; ii) modified the specific surface area (SSA) and the isoelectric point of FeN-BC in favor of PAA adsorption on the catalyst surface. This study provides a strategy for waste biomass reuse to construct a heterogeneous catalyst/PAA system for efficient water purification and reveals the synergistic effects of typical metal-heteroatom for PAA activation.