The modeling of the coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical processes within a soil undergoing freeze-thaw cycles is an increasingly relevant problem in the era of accelerating climate change. One can hope to alleviate and prepare for infrastructure damages due to e.g., frost heave and frost quakes by modeling the interplay of hydrology and soil mechanics and identifying at-risk structures and environmental profiles (i.e. temperature gradient, snow cover, soil water/ice saturation) that make those structures susceptible to said damages. Our work is focused on developing a linked computational framework for thermo-hydro-mechanical modeling of soils. We achieve this currently by linking the state-of-the-art thermo-hydrological modeling of Amanzi-ATS with the thermo-mechanical modeling capabilities of OpenGeoSys, allowing us to have an accurate understanding of both the intricate hydrology of freezing soils as well as being able to determine the stress and pressure fields within the system. This framework is then to be applied to understand the mechanics and triggering circumstances at the frost quake site at Talvikangas in Oulu, Finland as well as developing a risk-assessment tool for damages to infrastructure and built environment.