The goal of this chapter is to explore the connection of human rights and the arts/aesthetics, mainly by addressing the alienation of rights regarding the arts, artists, audiences, and aesthetics in general. In this line, most relevant rights for the arts/aesthetics are addressed: freedom of expression/appreciation, intellectual property, privacy, artistic dignified work, and correspondent social security. Complementarily, an analysis is made on the consequences of those rights’ alienation, along on reactions to this alienation and forms of counteracting it. This exploration of the relation of human rights and the arts/aesthetics is based in an interdisciplinary literature review, grounded on studies of sociology, economy, law, history, and psychology. Though, a special emphasis is given to a psychosocial perspective on the subject, elaborating in the psychology of oppression, of artists’ socio-professional integration, and of their connected health and well-being. Complementing, a brief reference is made to how the arts can contribute to the defence and promotion of human rights in general, considering the potential of the arts in changing perceptions, attitudes, and behaviours. As a conclusion some practical implications concerning the topic are delineated.