Nonlinear grey Bernoulli model, abbreviated as NGBM model, has been validly used in real applications due to its high accuracy in nonlinear time series forecasting. However, there remain technical challenges to explain the mechanism of the accumulative sum operator in nonlinear grey modelling process and estimate structural parameters independent from the initial values. This paper aims to reconstruct the modelling process of the NGBM model so as to explain the modelling mechanism better by utilizing the integral matching approach, which consists of an integral formula and the numerical discretization-based least squares. First, the integral formula is employed to investigate the accumulative sum operator and further reconstruct the NGBM model to a generalized form, referred as to INGBM model. Then, a novel parameter estimation strategy, estimating structure parameters and initial values simultaneously, is developed by utilizing the numerical discretization-based least squares approach. Next, Monte Carlo simulation studies are designed to evaluate the finite sample performance of both models. Comparisons show that the INGBM model outperforms to the original one in terms of parameter estimation accuracy, forecasting accuracy and robustness to noise. Finally, we apply the INGBM model at a coal consumption in China study to further illustrate the usefulness of this model.