Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) cement is an attractive material in endodontic dentistry. The purpose of this study was to produce calcium silicate, which is a major component of MTA, from waste materials. A dental alginate impression gel and used chalks were selected and mixed in a suitable ratio (Code: EXP). As a control, CaCO3 and a commercial diatomite were used (Code: CON). Each powder was heated to 850。C and 1000。C, and then kneaded with water. TG-DTA, compressive tests, SEM observations, elemental mapping analyses, and XRD analyses were performed. TG-DTA indicated that weight reduction of CaCO3 started at 600。C, and it completely decomposed on heating at 850。C. The strength was affected by the temperature. After heating, CaCO3 was transformed into CaO and/or Ca2SiO4, and Ca(OH)2 was formed by mixing with water. There were no differences between EXP and CON. These data suggested that recycled wastes might be promising MTA sources.