Through paraffin production method and optical microscope technology to measure ten xeromorphic structure indexes,including leaf thickness,corneous layer thickness,main vein thickness,upper palisade tissue thickness and so on of Amygdalus pedunculata Pall..The materials are from Hebei,Wushenqi,Guyang,Shenmu,Yuyang areas,which are divided into CK and drought treatment two groups.Results showed that:(1)Hebei region's drought damage index is the highest,indicating it was damaged badly,and with worst drought resistance performance;the indexes of Shenmu and Guyang areas are under Hebei and Wushenqi areas;and Yuyang area's index is minimum,with the biggest ability to resist drought damage.(2)The five areas of A.pedunculata Pall.are similar in leaf structure.They are all total with cuticle,the vascular bundles are bicollateral.The palisade tissues are well developed with one or two layers.Analysis of variance showed that the blade of Hebei region is the most thin in leaf anatomical structure determination,both the upper epidermis and horny layer are minimum.They only have a layer of palisade tissue cells arranged more loose,scattered irregular arrangement of spongy tissue cell with bigger cell gap,and smaller principal vain diameter with narrow channel function.The blade of Yuyang area is on the contrary.They have double palisade tissue.The first layer of cells elongated closely packed and the second layer is shorter with developed vascular tissue,containing more water storage cells(mucus cells and crystal cells).(3)According to the comparison of leaf drought damage index and structure's index,and the method of membership function,we get the sequence of drought resistance was as follows:Yuyang areaShenmu areaGuyang areaWushenqi areaHebei area,which provides the reference for regional introduction and theoretical basis for breeding of A.pedunculata Pall..