Dynamic Simulation of Magnetically Controlled Micro- and Nanorobots in a Blood Vessel
Zhimao Liu,Peng Yu,Meijuan Li,Xuebo Chen
In this paper, a group of micro/nanorobots is simulated to investigate their deflection motion in a bifurcation of blood vessels by the external magnetic field gradient controlling and the size of the robot itself radius. Firstly, the blood vessel model is established by finite element simulation, and its steady state mechanism model is used to solve the blood fluid velocity problem. Then, a transient study step is added to calculate the trajectories of the micro- and nanorobots without external forces, only under the effect of blood trailing forces. Finally, the deflection motion of the group of micro/nanorobots at the vessel bifurcation is realized by controlling the external magnetic field gradient. This simulation will benefit for the observation of the practical motion for single or the group of micro/nanorobots in blood vessels.