The most typical condition of the liver in pregnancy is intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP). There is the occurrence of itching/pruritus together with a decline in liver function tests (LFTs) and frequently higher blood levels of total bile acids, which are used to make the diagnosis. ICP often shows symptoms during the third term of pregnancy and sometimes in the second term. After delivery, the disease's symptoms disappear on their own. It is still unclear what causes this disorder. It constitutes a hazard for the infant and is exceedingly stressful for the mother. Although relatively harmless for the expectant mother, ICP poses a significant risk to the unborn child. Preterm birth, meconium excreted in the amniotic fluid, respiratory distress syndrome, foetal distress and abrupt intrauterine foetal death are all risks seen in this disorder. It is still challenging to identify foetuses who are at risk for ICP issues. There needs to be a clear consensus on the best obstetrical care for ICPs. This review is done to brief the research on the foetal consequences of ICP and to discuss treatment strategies for its avoidance. Serum alanine transaminase, aspartate transaminase, total bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, albumin, direct bilirubin, total protein, and total bile acids were among the biochemical predictors. Blood tests that confirm obstetric cholestasis should alter the course of treatment. Ursodeoxycholic acid may be prescribed to affected individuals to cure itching and prevent the build-up of biliary components of maternal origin in the baby, which may increase the danger of foetal discomfort and stillbirth.