Huikuan Li,Shan-Xiu Huang,Weijie Guo,Jiaqi Guo,Feng Xiao-jiang
To investigate the mechanical properties and failure processes of carbon nanotube concrete, a three-dimensional meso-scale finite element model of concrete was constructed. Using ABAQUS software, numerical simulations were conducted on concrete samples with different carbon nanotube concentrations under triaxial compression and splitting conditions. The results indicate that under splitting conditions, the failure of the specimens initially occurs along the loading direction from both ends, with few cracks and slow propagation. Subsequently, the cracks rapidly expand, penetrating the entire specimen, leading to the formation of a macro-fracture surface with a crack aligned with the loading direction. This failure mode manifests as a straight crack. At the same loading rate, the tensile strength of the specimens with different carbon nanotube concentrations increases to varying degrees during splitting failure, with a maximum increase of 45.10% to 4.15 MPa. nder triaxial compression conditions, the main failure mode of the specimens exhibits shear failure characteristics. As the confining pressure gradually increases, the failure angle of the specimens enlarges. Under low confining pressure, there are fewer wing-shaped tensile cracks at the shear failure surface of the specimens. As the confining pressure increases, irregular shear failures and multiple shear planes appear in the specimens, resulting in more complex failure modes. For specimens with the same carbon nanotube concentration, the triaxial compressive strength of carbon nanotube concrete specimens increases with increasing confining pressure. The triaxial compressive strengths of the specimens under confining pressures of 5 MPa, 10 MPa, 15 MPa, and 20 MPa are 90.48 MPa, 122.72 MPa, 137.22 MPa, and 172.65 MPa, with strength increases of 35.63%, 51.66%, and 90.81%, respectively.