Arsenic exposure is associated with a plethora of age-related health outcomes of disparate etiology. However, evidence of the impact of arsenic on aging remains limited. Here, we investigated the utility of these clocks in two different populations and the impact of maternal arsenic exposure during pregnancy on epigenetic gestational age at birth. To do this, we examined publicly available DNA methylation data and estimated gestational age across five gestational clocks in two unrelated human populations. These populations also differ in the extent of arsenic exposure and the targeted tissue of analysis (cord blood and placental tissue). Our results indicate that same-tissue clocks produce gestational age estimates that are more highly correlated with clinical gestational age. Interestingly, our results also indicate that arsenic exposure is associated with gestational age, with higher arsenic exposures associated with decreased gestational age. We also applied two pediatric clocks to evaluate infant biological age in the same samples. The data is suggestive of higher pediatric age in infants exposed to higher arsenic levels during gestation. Taken altogether, our findings are consistent with past work indicating that that in utero arsenic exposure is associated with decreased gestational maturity as characterized by infant outcomes such as low birthweight and lung underdevelopment and dysfunction in arsenic exposed infants. The findings are also consistent with arsenic exposure setting infants on a trajectory of accelerated epigenetic aging that starts at birth.